COVID-19 Information
We have created this page to host information our parents/guardians and students may need regarding COVID-19 in one place.
Maidstone Dance Studios Ltd. (MDS) is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all students, staff and volunteers and will continue to follow the advice of the UK Government, NHS, Public Health England and our local Health Protection Team.

The current (summarised) advice is:
Educational settings are opening for all year groups
Out of School Settings (OOSS) can open from the beginning of school term in April 2021
Social distancing is required at 2m (or 1m+ if 2m is not possible or with risk mitigation)
Students who are secondary school age or above and adults must wear face coverings while moving around the buildings (not while dancing)
Anyone who is showing symptoms of a cough and/or fever are to self-isolate
If you are notified by NHS Test and Trace of a positive COVID-19 test result you must complete your full isolation period
All current social distancing measures will be implemented throughout this procedure.
Full details are below, but in summary:
- reduced class sizes (based on size of facility)
- masks to be worn around the buildings but not while dancing (secondary school age and above)
- marked zones for each student in class (and teacher)
- increased ventilation
- one way entry, exit and flow around buildings
- hand sanitiser stations
- more frequent cleaning (including high traffic areas and touch points)
- refreshed policies to reflect COVID-19
- encouraging those who can to take part in regular asymptomatic lateral flow testing
- consent information and emergency contact details confirmed
Groups of no more than 15 students will be supervised by 1 or 2 teachers. Spaces will be cleaned between group’s use.
To attend classes, parents must confirm that no one in the household has any symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) or has been told to self-isolate. Children may supply their own face covering, but it is not the responsibility of teachers to ensure it is used or worn correctly. It is not to be worn during physical activity.
No parents will be allowed on site, they must drop off and collect at separate entry and exit points.
Upon arrival, all students are to immediately wash their hands or use the hand sanitiser provided. Students should arrive in uniform and bring suitable dance shoes and a drink of water in a clearly named bag.
Students will be then taken to the space used for their classes where they will have been allocated a space to use throughout their session.
Breaks, moving to different spaces and the use of corridors and bathrooms will be closely monitored to ensure social distancing is always upheld. This will be through staggered breaks, toilet management and a one-way corridor system.
Any child with a fever, continuous cough or loss of smell or taste must be immediately isolated and collected by their parents.
In the event of an emergency evacuation, teachers will be responsible for the safe evacuation of students. Teachers will lead their group to the fire and emergency assembly point ensuring social distancing is maintained. Where risk of accident or injury in an emergency evacuation supersedes the danger of social distancing, children will be assisted in any way possible.
Any student/teacher or family member who has tested positive for COVID-19 up to two weeks post event dates must immediately inform the MDS School Principal. The group that is affected will immediately be notified including students/parents/teachers. Should this occur while classes are running, the group affected will be shut down, and spaces deep cleaned immediately following government guidance “COVID-19: cleaning in non-healthcare settings”.